How to find us - directions to SkinDose
SkinDose is based in central Oxford. Please refer to this guidance to find us. We are within a 4 minute walk of Gloucester Green bus station, and a 7 minute walk from Oxford train station and Westgate.
SkinDose is a private, intimate space. We do not have a reception area, so clients are asked to arrive on time for their appointment as there is no area to wait if you are early. You can, however, use our parking space.
We look forward to seeing you!
SkinDose is located at:
46 Hythe Bridge Street (next to 1 Upper Fisher Row), Oxford, OX1 2EP
Despite the address being Hythe Bridge Street, SkinDose is located at the entrance to Upper Fisher Row (the GPS postcode is OX1 2EZ). Click here for Google Maps directions.
Please do not enter the serviced apartments (also at 46 Hythe Bridge Street) - SkinDose is located down Upper Fisher Row.
SkinDose has a designated parking space for clients. You are welcome to park in the space during your appointment. The space is off-road and free-of-charge, located to the side of the SkinDose studio (see photo).
Other parking options include:
Worcester Street car park - 2 minute walk
Oxford Train Station - 7 minute walk
Westgate - 7 minute walk
Please do not park on the side of Upper Fisher Row. This parking is for permit holders only and is regularly checked by parking wardens.